
Sunday, October 18, 2009

God's Answer to Debt Relief

How many have asked for a financial miracle, a relief from debt. God's answer is revealed through this response from Purpose Driven:

"I am praying for a financial miracle in my life. I am so in debt and I'm praying for a financial miracle." I want to say, "Did you get in debt supernaturally?" The truth is no. You worked hard at it. You made foolish decisions. You spent more money than you could make. You didn't save for the lean times that inevitably come in life. You didn't use your money wisely.

Why should God just bail you out? If God just instantly bailed you out of your financial crisis, then tomorrow you'd go out and overspend again. You wouldn't learn discipline, or money management, or wisdom, or persistence. God is not just going to bail you out of the debt you got yourself into; he will help you get out of debt but he wants to build your character.

If you're in a crisis right now, hang in there! Don't give up. Don't run from it. Don't try to escape. The problems you have in your life didn't get those overnight. You may have worked years getting yourself into this mess. You have a lot of ingrained patterns, bad responses, wrong habits, and wrong ways of responding that have built up over the years. So God isn't going to remove those all at once. It's kind of like peeling an onion; he takes it off one layer at a time.

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